Top 8 Machine Learning Trends for 2022

Machine learning continues to be one of the hottest topics in tech today. Here, we’ve curated this list of the top machine learning trends. After reading this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how the machine learning world will evolve.


This is a comprehensive list of machine learning trends that will likely be affecting businesses and consumers within five years. I’ve based these predictions on surveys, sales forecasts, industry experts, and our own experience building BigML.This list may or may not be useful to you in your business today, but it can help you prepare for the future.

1) Blockchain Meets Machine Learning

Blockchain is growing rapidly, being applied to all kinds of new technologies. And one of these technologies is machine learning. Blockchain has several benefits over traditional databases—it’s faster, more secure, and distributed across a network of computers. This means that it’s highly resistant to hacking or data loss. It’s easy to see how something like blockchain can work in conjunction with machine learning algorithms; data would be securely stored on a distributed network rather than a centralized server (the Cloud). The added security also means that data from numerous sources could be combined and leveraged as part of machine learning. To make full use of this technology, hire blockchain developers and integrate it with machine learning.

2) Image Processing in the Cloud

Image processing tasks are heavy on number crunching, and they’re great candidates for cloud-based solutions. Cloud servers can perform these tasks faster than local machines, especially when you need to process a lot of images in a short amount of time. It’s also much easier to manage data stored in a cloud solution, and it allows your network to benefit from multiple image-processing instances. However, organizations should be careful not to store any information or privacy-sensitive data on public clouds or other third-party services. Instead, images should only be uploaded to these services via secure web links that encrypt them at rest and in transit. This will allow users to easily retrieve their processed images while maintaining compliance with security standards and regulatory requirements regarding user privacy and information protection.

3) Mobile Augmented Reality

While we haven’t yet achieved Terminator vision, 2022 could be a big year in terms of augmented reality going mainstream. What if you could see all nearby Pokestops or Gyms with just a few clicks? With Google Glass, we began to realize how AR can make life easier; with Pokemon Go and other AR games like Ingress and Sky Map, we’re seeing how it can also make things more entertaining.

4) Computer Vision & Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We are on pace to see huge gains in Computer Vision and NLP. This is due to what is known as artificial general intelligence (AGI). AI systems will be able to understand natural language and perform human-like tasks. We already have seen a steady rise in AI adoption across industries. In hospitals, doctors use computer vision and machine learning algorithms to help detect diseases such as cancer earlier, by analyzing CT scans or MRI images more efficiently than humans can. Industries like automotive manufacturing, retail & marketing are making high-level use of computer vision technology in their day-to-day operations. Deep neural networks are also changing how traditional business verticals like HR do their job better.

5) Automation Driven by ML

Businesses can benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) in many ways, from improved customer service to revenue growth. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey, Artificial intelligence could contribute $13 trillion to global GDP by 2030. With AI being such a critical aspect of businesses today and in future years, businesses will be investing more money into ML to improve their systems and output. By using machines that learn on their own through data sets and AI programs, companies will be able to make advanced autonomous decisions on their own that could increase sales and drive down costs. With an increased number of businesses utilizing ML-based technologies, more resources will need to be devoted towards improving ML algorithms so they are not overwhelmed with large amounts of data.

6) Healthcare Analytics Solutions Powered by ML

The healthcare industry will never be able to catch up with patient needs until there is a greater focus on data analysis. The most promising technologies in machine learning are those that are meant to analyze data across massive databases and extract useful insights. These analytic tools would help doctors make better decisions, improve their diagnoses, monitor progress, and keep better track of patient outcomes. With all the advanced technologies being released into healthcare today, we can expect healthcare professionals to become more informed and productive than ever before. However, until these new technologies are fully integrated into modern medicine, we’ll still have work to do as a society in improving health outcomes through data analytics. As ML becomes more mature and easier to use it will become standard practice for companies. This way they will get competitive in an increasingly complicated market sector.

7) The Impact of AI on Office/Professional Work

With AI continuing to improve, we can expect to see an impact on jobs that have been done by people. For example, machine learning is already being used by designers and even doctors. Some estimates say that 50% of doctor jobs will be done by computers within 10 years! Iit’s important to be ready for a fast-approaching future where AI is impacting nearly every part of your life.


We’ve explored 8 machine learning trends that will be important to monitor over the next 5 years. Many of these trends will come as a surprise and may not become a reality in just 5 years. However, it is always best to invest early in emerging technology because these are often trendsetters with fast growth potential. Some of these machine learning trends are also likely to form a part of how we live our lives.

You can get in touch with some top machine learning development companies to make your business a success.

Read more: Augmented Reality App Ideas for SMEs: The Best Ones

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